Adept Play
“IIEE” stands for Intent, Initiation, Execution, and Effect, as performed by some entity like a character.
Different systems organize the rules for them differently.
A figure chess rules system is one where the combatants take turns and during their turn they typically move and do some other stuff. There might be squares or hexes or one might do without. There are a few situations where most of them break down, with dynamic movement being the most glaring. My interest…
James Bond RPG (1983) — Hero Points and IIEE (Continued from "James Bond 007: Hero Points in play" ) The seminar "MONDAY LAB: (AA)IIEE 2!" has prompted some thoughts about how the Hero Points in James Bond RPG are part of the Intent, Initiation, Execution, Effect (IIEE) system of the game. In JB,…
Zac has not retreated from his call that IIEE (intent, initiation, execution, effect) is the “beating heart of the activity,” and Manu – the very soul who prompted this discussion at the Forge fifteen years ago – is still on task. Armed with these stalwarts, we embark upon another Monday Lab to investigate best practices.…
Sometimes people email me with questions. Since I don’t know them, and don’t know the (sometimes) complicated process that led to them deciding to ask, I have to ask dense-seeming questions back in order to know what they’re talking about before I can answer anything, or know if I can answer at all. In this…
Justin Nichol and I continue our discussion, or training, regarding game design. This session (in 5 videos) delves into the way we talk / the way we roll. The topic shifts quite logically from whether & when describing things colorfully works, to gaudy and painful consequences of moment-by-moment decision-making. I have never thought the fiction-first/mechanics-first…