Adept Play
gets right up my nose for people to pick through this essay as if it were a finalized thesis
Mark and Jahmal and me are doin’ it! Followers of Comics Madness know that I’m trying out my hard-won thoughts on best practices for “first-generation Champions,” prior to what I think of as the Big Wrong Move it underwent for its 4th edition in 1989. I spilled my every last thought on role-playing concepts and…
This is an interview of me by Maksim Muhammedov, during Metatopia, November 2016.
Judd Karlman & Rich Rogers play a session of the classic game Sorcerer by Ron Edwards.
From my participation in Designers on Stage, an event at the Instituto Politecnico in Milan, Italy, in early 2017. The camera on my slides didn’t do its job, so open the attached PowerPoint too to follow along and see them, in fact a somewhat better version of what I was showing. Please consider the intrinsically…