Adept Play
The Four R’s (Ross, Ron, Rod, and I) played through eighteen sessions of Legendary Lives, completing our run at the start of December. For background, this heroic fantasy rpg is one of the so-called Fantasy Heartbreakers that came out in the 1990s. There are still plenty corners of the game that I would love to explore,…
This past year, I dipped my toe into recording some actual play sessions. My initial efforts were primitive, relying on technology that has basically been retired. For example, for online play, I used Hangouts On-Air, which basically allowed me to have a Google Hangout conference call which would be recorded on Youtube.But Hangouts On-Air is…
My maiden run of Sorcerer came to an end late Monday night. This was Session 8 of the mini-campaign, which means we actually ran it for nine intense sessions if you include our session zero. Here are links to the final sessions: Session 7 The Finale All of us were grateful…
I continue to play Sorcerer with three players from The Gauntlet, an online roleplaying game community. We are now through five sessions (plus a session zero) of our “Demons are Social Media Junkies” campaign. For reference, here are the links for our most recent gatherings: Session 4: Session 5: I’d like…
I’ve been running a sequence of four game sessions working with James V. West’s The Pool. The mechanics of The Pool are lean and streamlined: Players start by creating a 50-word story introducing their characters. Traits and attributes are derived from those stories, and a players can assign points to those traits according to…
We finished our second session of Sorcerer, and the Kickers with aid of the character diagrams continue to gain traction. You will find the video below. With so many dynamic elements at work in my game, I’m going to focus this report on the interrelated issues of depth and duration. I have been catching…
Here is a recording from Session 1 of my Sorcerer campaign (“Demons are Social Media Junkies”). The first hour was spent (not recorded) was spent cleaning up the character creation from Session Zero, and I talked through some rules, especially those pertaining to demon abilities and sorcerous rituals. We were able to nail down the…
Three players and I launched into our opening session of Sorcerer on Sunday morning. The core statements of our game: “Demons are social media junkies.” “The most magical place on Earth: Orlando’s theme park empires.” The background of the players: We are all part of The Gauntlet, an online rpg community. I had only…
Three of us gathered to play the newest revision of Weighting Rooms on January 21. The players included me (a middle aged English teacher), my daughter Lara (an 18-year-old senior), and Joe (an 18-year-old senior). Our session lasted about 2.5 hours and we had to shut off the game a bit prematurely (due to…