Those of us playing this game are chomping at the bit to play again, but summer schedules have gotten in the way of even our regular Saturday games. I guess that gives me a chance to catch up on posting videos about the first session.
I made a number of mistakes in this one. Most egregiously, I fell back into using the language of commerce to talk about character creation (“spending” as opposed to allocating, “buying” as opposed to building, and so on). I don’t do it all the time, but it bugs me that I did it at all. There’s something else that makes me cringe, but I can’t remember what it is right now.
Oh, and the 3Corner sheets were fast and messy originally. My daughters jazzed them up graphically for presentation purposes. Don’t let the colors and graphics distract from the fact that the worksheets were used to brainstorm.
One response to “The Mavericks: Meet the Heroes”
That’s a good point about focusing on the statements and not on specific comics references. I ran into this way back in the 1980s, when I thought stating comics titles would be a good idea, and it was always disastrous. People focused on exactly different things from what I’d thought was fundamental to the titles, and any discussion about it instantly became defensive, legalistic, and wanky. I realized that it wasn’t about them being wrong about the titles, but about me being wrong in using references at all. I didn’t learn this lesson well enough because saying my references is so tempting – my latest Champions Now game ran face-first into it too, and it was totally my fault.